Sarura film
At the gates of the Negev desert young Palestinians
fight through videocameras and nonviolent actions the Israeli military occupation,
taking back the lands stolen from their families.
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At the gates of the Negev desert, a group of young Palestinians fight against the Israeli military occupation. "Youth of Sumud” - the youth of steadfast perseverance - try to return to their people the land that was taken from their families, restructuring the ancient cave village of Sarura. They face aggression with nonviolent action, defending themselves from rifles with their video cameras; they oppose desolation and death with hope and life.Ten years after their first documentary on the nonviolent struggle in the West Bank, the directors return to the village of At-Tuwani and, using archival material more than 15 years old, tell how the children have grown up.


Grand Prix Award Annaba Mediterrean Film Festival / Best Film Arab Network for Human Rights Film ANHAR / Best Documentary Festival del Cinema dei Diritti Umani di Napoli / Best Film Activists without borders Film Festival / Jury Award For Lucid Testimony Festival Internazionale Segni della Notte Urbino / Special Mention Internationales Festival Zeichen der Nacht Berlin / Best Film - Human Rights Award Valentina Pedicini Life After Oil / Best Photography Award Documentaria Festival Palermo / Best Feature Documentary Stockholm cIty Film Festival / Human Rights Award Nawada International Film Festival / Best Cinematographer, Special Jury Award, Best Director Rajgir International Film Festival / Audience award Al Ard Festival / Special Mention Film Festival del Garda / Special Mention Terra di Tutti


Annaba Mediterranean Film Festival / KARAMA Human Rights Film Festival Jordan / Festival del Cinema dei Diritti Umani di Napoli / Activists without borders Film Festival / Festival Internazionale Segni della Notte Urbino / Internationales Festival Zeichen der Nacht Berlin / Life After Oil / Documentaria Festival Palermo / Stockholm cIty Film Festival / Nawada International Film Festival / Rajgir International Film Festival / Al Ard Festival / Film Festival del Garda / Terra di Tutti Film Festival / Ethnovideografica / Garofano Rosso Film Festival / International Moving Festival / Festival Internacional de Cine Ambiental FINCA / Palestine Cinema Days - Sunbird awards / London Palestine Film Festival / Documed / Boden Film Festival / Reel Palestine/ Boston Palestine Film Festival / Anti-War International Independent Film Festival / BEholders Documentary Festival / IDFA Docs for sale / MIA Market / Les Rimbaud du Cinéma / International Film Festival of Active Nonviolence (FICNOVA)

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